January 25, 2010

How many times have you tried to think of a familiar name or place and come up blank?  It’s right on the tip of your tongue, but you just can’t spit it out. Well the next time this happens you don’t have to get frustrated just sit down, lower your head, and do this exercise…

1. (Inhale) hold your breath for a count of     Two………1…………….2………….(Exhale)

(Inhale) hold your breath for a count of Two………1…………….2………….(Exhale)

(Inhale) this time hold your breath for a count of Five

2. Repeat this sequence called the 2-2-5 again

(Inhale) hold your breath for a count of Two………1…………….2………….(Exhale)

(Inhale) hold your breath for a count of Two………1…………….2………….(Exhale)

(Inhale) this time hold your breath for a count of Five

Then look up and slowly turn your head from left to right. The blood flow to your brain in this relaxed state will open a mental file that will make you remember the name or place that eluded you moments ago.

It might be simple but it works every time. Unlocking Lost Memories is only one of the discoveries I made on the way to my inner self. They say a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Here’s how I began mine.

“In 1973, I accompanied one of our Warner Brothers staff songwriters, George Clinton Jr. (who went on write the score for three “Austin Powers” movies), to the Tokyo Music Festival. It was my first trip to Japan, and I was impressed how well organized the large masses of people were. Over the years my heavy workload, beautiful women and other excesses used up too much time and too many emotions. I knew I had to find a way to learn how to really focus.

When I got back to the states, I decided to look into deep relaxation techniques. I went to see my Chiropractor and friend, Dr. Floyd Taylor who had developed remarkable physical, mental and spiritual methods of healing after his plane was shot down in World War Two. Over time, and through much pain, he was able to correct his bone structure and musculature, which left him bent over and unable to walk. His super-posture and confident stride was proof positive that his methods work. He not only told me that deep relaxation techniques could help attain my goal to focus, it could help the severe back pain I suffered from congenital scoliosis. He said I could learn to go below the pain level and function better. He also mysteriously hinted that the deeper I went, the more “things” I would discover.

My equally adventuresome friend, Patti Dahlstrom (who introduced me to Dr. Taylor), was just as fascinated with the possibilities of these deep relaxation techniques as I was. We both took private lessons from Dr. Taylor’s friend, Henry Mundt.

I was helped immediately by what he taught me especially “ The 2-2-5 “ a simple breathing exercise that I continue to use everyday when I need to calm down.

When I wanted to go deeper…Here are the simple steps Hank Mundt taught me.

First…in a quiet, semi-darkened room with your eyes closed, lie down on your back on a bed or a couch or sit up in a straight chair with your feet flat on the floor, palms upward.

1. (Inhale) hold your breath for a count of     Two………1…………….2………….(Exhale)

(Inhale) hold your breath for a count of Two………1…………….2………….(Exhale)

(Inhale) this time hold your breath for a count of Five

2. Repeat this sequence called the 2-2-5 again

(Inhale) hold your breath for a count of Two………1…………….2………….(Exhale)

(Inhale) hold your breath for a count of Two………1…………….2………….(Exhale)

(Inhale) this time hold your breath for a count of Five

3. Visualize a flight of stairs and starting at the number 100, count backwards slowly to the number 1, seeing each number as you descend…100……………..99………………98……………etc.

4. When you reach the bottom, say over and over, ”Positive thinking brings results I desire. Positive thinking brings results I desire.” You feel more and more relaxed as you visualize what you want to accomplish. “Positive thinking brings results I desire”…”Positive thinking brings results I desire”

5. Once you’ve repeated it ten times, visualize taking an elevator up to the place where you started

6. You feel relaxed and refreshed…ready to take on the world.”

Over the years, I’ve developed  meditation techniques that take me deeper than I ever imagined.. Now I have the ability to go below emotional, mental, and physical levels of pain and function like never before. I’ve been able to control a bi-polar disorder, depression, dyslexia, and an attention deficit disorder…without using drugs. I’ve increased my focus and powers of concentration, as well as ability to access long lost memories whenever I choose..


From my forthcoming book, “I Did It For A Song” Copyright 2010 by Artie Wayne



  1. carol ross-durborow Says:

    artie, how many times we all say , it’s on the tip of my tongue…now you have given us the secret weapon we have been looking for…thank you, dear friend!….carol

  2. I like this Artie, thanks so much for taking the time to give it to us. Bless you ! Vikki

  3. Alan O'Day Says:

    Great post, Artie. Took me awhile to get past the psychedelic flower, tho! This information can be an important tool beyond retrieving memories. Conscious breathing is a part of many spiritual disciplines for good reason! But it seems so simple that some people tend to dismiss it. Keep the uplifting thoughts coming, my friend!

  4. Thanks so much Artie! I love the Deep breathing meditation. I will remember this simple exercise! Congratulations on your Million and and half! I will miss you , please don’t be gone long and get that finger well for goodness sake. You are the best!Your friends, Vikki Sallee-Dillard & Douglas DIllard (You take care) ……..

  5. For the last few years I have been getting worse. Because I’m a musician I depend on county healthcare… I don’t really get the attention a patient needs. They give me drugs for my pain and I HATE taking them. I’ve taken so many in a day I wore a hole in my stomach linings. I just discovered your blog while looking for something else. I’m very intrigued. Im gonna try this out tonite and tomorow morning Thankyou

  6. Whoa I just clicked about Artie Wayne dang I had no idea who you where.Looks like you’ve had an amazing life. I bet you’ve got a lot of good stories and advice for people. I wouldn’t be upset if you don’t get back to me I understand your probably high profile 🌀but I was hoping to find out more about your inner journey. I’ve been trying to understand memories déjà vu and the whole electro magnetosphere connection to people. I’m convinced that music has a connection too any wisdom from ya?

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