I don’t know about you, but I like to be the “first on my block” to see or hear something extraordinary! This morning my FACEBOOK friend Alan O’Day, sent me an mp3 on a new song he and Keith Hinton wrote, “Workin’ On The World”.

Alan asked me to vote for it in a songwriter’s competition and I told him I’d be honored to.  Then I thought how many readers out there have told me how they would’ve loved to have been there when I was one of the first to hear, “Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow”, “Hang On Sloopy”, and “I Will Survive”.  I asked Alan If I could let all of you listen to “Workin’ On The World” and if you like it, vote for it also.  Alan was thrilled to hear that, so I’ll let him explain how to do it…

“’Workin’ On The World’ is a finalist in the ISC competition.  Their voting procedure takes several steps, here’s EXACTLY what to do:

1) Click on this link:  http://www.songwritingcompetition.com/PVWelcome2009.htm
This will take you to a new page that says at the top “WELCOME TO THE PEOPLE’S VOICE”.  In the middle of this page, in the greenish box, you will see:
“Click here to listen to all the finalists’ songs and to cast your vote!

2) CLICK ON THE WORD “here“.

3) This will take you to a page with ISC in large letters, this is the voting page.  Find the OBLONG BOX under “Happy voting”, & enter your email address. Then click CONTINUE.

4)  This takes you to a page that says “ISC FINALISTS”.  To hear our song and vote for us, the easiest way is to SCROLL ALL THE WAY DOWN THE PAGE, THEN COUNT UP TO THE SEVENTH SONG FROM THE BOTTOM, “WORKIN’ ON THE WORLD”.

5) To hear the song, just click on its title. Then, to vote, click on the small box to the left of the title, which should then show a CHECK MARK. (Note that you can’t turn the song off once you click on the title, it plays all the way through.)

6) Finally, click “CAST YOUR VOTE” at the bottom of the page, and you are finished.  WHEW!!!

AFTER voting the first time, you should be able to go directly to http://www.sonicbids.com/voting/Candidates.aspx?p=336 and vote again with just a couple of clicks.  You can vote once a day.

Sincere thanks,
Alan O’Day (and Keith Hinton)”

Alan’s website:  http://alanoday.com

Copyright 2010 by Artie Wayne https://artiewayne.wordpress.com/about-artie-wayne/

BACK TO ARTIE WAYNE ON THE WEB https://artiewayne.wordpress.com

In a world where every one is looking for transparency and truth in advertising one group has been dangerously overlooked…the cartoon and computer generated spokesman. What do we really know about them?

Why should we trust a Gecko when it comes to car insurance? What do Bears know about toilet issue? What can a duck tell us about an accident policy? Am I being paranoid to think the Road Runner Might be trying to pull a fast one, or those M&Ms might have a hidden agenda? Should children be warned about speaking to strange Kool-Aid Pitchers?

Do you know how many millions and millions of dollars we’ve spent on the advice of these characters…and we don’t even know their names! It might be time to bring the characters back, who were the trusted voices of our generation.



Copyright 2010 by Artie Wayne https://artiewayne.wordpress.com/about-artie-wayne/

BACK TO ARTIE WAYNE ON THE WEB https://artiewayne.wordpress.com

When I sat down to find videos of songs I’ve been connected with in my 30 year music business career I expected to find 3 or 4…but to my surprise I found 115! I started to realize that anything that was ever telecast or filmed will eventually show up on YouTube.

When my friend songwriter Mark Barkan asked me how I find such great videos, I confessed that I simply Google them. To demonstrate, I Googled “Pretty Flamingo”, and found a YouTube clip of Bruce Springsteen singing Mark’s classic in concert.

All I did was make a broad Google search Pretty Flamingo YouTube and the Springsteen clip showed up in the first three pages…which Mark had never heard before. Then as I went deeper into thesearch results, I found versions by Manfred Mann and Elvis Costello.

Once you locate the videos you want you can save them forever FOR FREE just click onto YouTube Capture and learn how! http://youtubecapture.com/

Inspired after writing this piece I found a video of a Warner Brothers song I updated and gave to Richard Perry who cut it with “Ringo” Starr.

Copyright 2010 by Artie Wayne https://artiewayne.wordpress.com/about-artie-wayne/

BACK TO ARTIE WAYNE ON THE WEB https://artiewayne.wordpress.com

Lady GaGa is finally being recognized as the genius that she is. Critics are comparing her music to Bach and Beethoven, and her videos to Fellini, but it took American Idol’s Chris Daughtry to expose Lady GaGa’s music for what it really is!

Copyright 2010 by Artie Wayne https://artiewayne.wordpress.com/about-artie-wayne/

BACK TO ARTIE WAYNE ON THE WEB https://artiewayne.wordpress.com


Copyright 2010 by Artie Wayne https://artiewayne.wordpress.com/about-artie-wayne/

BACK TO ARTIE WAYNE ON THE WEB https://artiewayne.wordpress.com


February 28, 2010

Brother…it’s time to put on your “Psychedelic” shirt, hip huggers, and “Superfly” hat!  Sisters lace up those platform shoes…puff out your fro,’ and click on to some movie trailers for the baddest Blaxploitation films of the ‘60s and ‘70s!

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After 40 years of speculation singer Carly Simon has revealed that the subject of her biggest song, “You’re So Vain” was neither Mick Jagger nor Warren Beatty, but music mogul David Geffen.

Although David admitted to being gay many years ago I always suspected him of being more “heterosexual” than anything. I was at Warner Brothers Music in the early ‘70s when David had his label with WEA and his publishing administered by us.

When WB VP. Mel Bly and I would go with David to a party or a concert, he was always in the company of a beautiful woman who seemed mesmerized by him. In the business world it seemed he was the equivalent of a Rock Star.

I remember one night at the Troubadour , I was sitting with Sonny and Cher, who were about to publicly announce their split. David walks into the room and suddenly his eyes met Chers. It was like the scene out of “West Side Story”, when Tony and Maria meet for the first time and the room around them disappears…leaving them standing in two spotlights!

I shook my head and thought my imagination was running away with me until I saw the tabloids soon after filled with stories of David and Cher’s romance.

Copyright 2010 by Artie Wayne https://artiewayne.wordpress.com/about-artie-wayne/

FOR MORE JUST CLICK ONTO  David Geffen – Most Powerful Man In Hollywood And How He Got That Way!

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“It seems Like Warner Brothers Music is celebrating a victory, or facing a new crisis every day. After spearheading a campaign that results in over a 100 cover records on, “The Summer Knows”, from “The Summer Of ‘42’, I’m asked to be consultant for a new project and find a Black composer, for another Blaxpoitation film, “Cleopatra Jones”.

Again I agree to act as the “house negro” and do the film for a screen credit and no money, which Warner Brothers Music President Ed Silvers agrees to, as long as the film company picks up my expenses. I just look on it as an opportunity get my foot in the door and work with artists and producers I might not otherwise meet. After seeing the Max Julian film, in my head I keep hearing the intro to the O’Jays, “Backstabbers” which is written and arranged by my Philadelphia pal, Thom Bell. The introduction is good enough to be a movie theme itself!

The writer and director, Max Julian lights up when he hears my suggestion, and when I play the short passage, so does Bill Tenant the producer, and Larry Marks, current head of the film department. They want me to bring Thom Bell to Hollywood; I think it’s going to be a sure thing. By the time he gets out here they’ve already changed their mind.

It doesn’t take me long to find out these people don’t know what they’re doing. I throw my hands up in disgust and walk away from this extremely stressful situation. A few weeks later the producers call me up and apologize for making things difficult and tell me they’d like to hire Thom, after all.

I tell them it’s too late; he has three records in the top 20, and has made other commitments. They beg me to help them find someone fast so the picture can be released on schedule. I tell them I’ll help them out if they listen seriously to my suggestions. They tell me that veteran composer, Dominic Frontiere, has finished the score and all they need now is the title song.

I tell them I can not only get Joe Simon to write the title song to the film film, but also get a few potential hit singles by other hit artists from the label to include in the film and soundtrack. I also propose that WB records get the album rights to the singles, while the artist’s original label gets the rights to the singles, which they will promote as usual..

WB records goes along with this unique marketing concept in an effort to get into the very lucrative, but closed, R&B market.

The next morning I meet with Roy and Julie Riffkind, who own the small successful Spring records, they’re riding high on the R&B charts with Joe Simon (“The Chokin’ Kind”, “Drownin’ In The Sea Of Love”) who would be a perfect candidate to score, “Cleopatra Jones”. While I’m in their office they play me a new single they’re putting out by Millie Jackson, “Hurt So Good”, which I think would be great for the film. I tell them the unique idea I had, that WB Records has already agreed to, and they say that it could work for them as well.

I tell Warner Brothers Films that Joe Simon is able to write, produce and record, “The Theme from Cleopatra Jones”, next week which thrills them. When a letter of intent is drawn, I talk to Joe Simon and tell him about the film and the idea I had for a sweeping theme like the intro to the “Backstabbers”.

Joe gets it completely, and when I go back to NY for the session, I’m totally blown away by the funky, yet majestic track he’s recorded. When he starts to put the vocal on, Joe realizes that he hasn’t written the lyric to the second verse.

He seems stumped as where go with the lyric and for the lack of time says he’ll just repeat the first verse. I tell him he can’t do that the record could be a classic. Then I scratch out a lyric that he loves and records on the spot.

After the session, Joe comes over, thanks me and says he wants me to have a piece of the writers share for my contribution to the song. I thank him and say that it wasn’t my intention to muscle in, but I’ll happily accept his generosity.

It’s another story, however, when I get back to Hollywood. Ed is happy that the recording came out so well, but freaks out on me when he finds out that I’m a co-writer on the song. He says, “I don’t believe you took advantage of the situation and forced your way into a piece of the writers share. Are you a professional manager or a writer?” I don’t say anything, but go back to office and quietly fume.

I should’ve known something was wrong when I’m not invited to screening of, “Cleopatra Jones”. When I go to see the film at a local theater, I hear the theme I played a part in“Theme From Cleopatra Jones” but wasn’t allowed to take credit for, I hear Millie Jackson’s “Hurt So Good”, which is already racing up the charts, but when the film is over, my name is missing as musical consultant!

I’m absolutely livid, but when I confront Ed in my “Superfly” hat, he says he’s sorry, but he can’t do anything about it. I should talk to the producers. He refuses to do anything to help me in my unpaid extra curricular activity as a highly effective musical consultant, and wants me to return to just plugging songs at the company…Yeah…Right!”


FOR THE STORY BEHIND THE WARNER BROTHERS FILM  “COME BACK CHARLESTON BLUE”,  CHECK OUT “DRIVIN’ AROUND WITH QUINCY JONES” https://artiewayne.wordpress.com/2007/06/14/driving-around-with-quincy-jones/

Copyright 2010 by Artie Wayne https://artiewayne.wordpress.com/about-artie-wayne/

BACK TO ARTIE WAYNE ON THE WEB https://artiewayne.wordpress.com


February 25, 2010

I was talking to my Spectropop pal Marva Holliday, an alumnus of Motown about my doing an article celebrating Black History Month, but from a different angle. She agrees with me that this past year has been amazing in terms of race relations in America. The media has so embraced the idea of our having an African American leader; they’ve given more face time not only to Blacks but all minorities!

Back in the ‘50s when I was a kid whenever a “colored” person appeared on television it was considered an event. When Nat “King” Cole got his own fifteen minute network TV show on NBC, every person of color had a new sense of pride and hope. Unfortunately that hope was dashed when the show was canceled for lack of full sponsorship. It hurt even more to find out that sponsors didn’t want a “Negro” to be a spokesman for their product, which might offend their “White” customers.

In the ‘60s when our country was protesting against just about everything,  a new voice of social consciousness emerged in Black music. At first recording artists would sneak “messages” into their music because record companies didn’t want any part of anything that might lose customers…but then the floodgates of long repressed expression opened.

Copyright 2010 by Artie Wayne https://artiewayne.wordpress.com/about-artie-wayne/

photos at top by Sam Emerson

BACK TO ARTIE WAYNE ON THE WEB https://artiewayne.wordpress.com

I want to thank everyone who visited Artie Wayne on the Web and brought the total visitors to over a million and a half!

This site is devoted to music of the sixties to the present, our evolving pop culture, and whatever might be spinning around in my head at the time. I’ve always enjoyed turning people on and pissing people off and now I have my own forum to spread the word on the internet. In addition to that, over the past year I’ve used the power of blogging against the tyranny of some music business accounting practices, social network scamming, and the blatant disregard of consumer rights!

For example, for weeks I’d been calling and complaining to Time-Warner cable for sending me picture and sound out of synch’, which forced me to watch “Dancing With The Stars” with everyone dancing off  beat. As soon as I blogged about the problem and threatened to upload video tapes of what I was experiencing to YouTube, within six hours the problem was corrected…as my friend Paul Williams once said, “We’ve Only Just Begun”.

I hope you’ll continue to drop by to be informed, enlightened, and hopefully entertained.

Regards, Artie Wayne https://artiewayne.wordpress.com/about-artie-wayne/

Here are ten of the best blogs I’ve posted over the past year.











Copyright 2010 by Artie Wayne https://artiewayne.wordpress.com/about-artie-wayne/

BACK TO ARTIE WAYNE ON THE WEB https://artiewayne.wordpress.com